Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Christmas Time Is Here

Please play/enjoy this song while you read:
(song should be working now.. sorry!)
powered by ODEO

Christmas time is here at our apartment. This Christmas it's complete with a real tree (that smells good!), stockings, and lights on our balcony. There's only so much you can do in a one bedroom apartment on the third floor of a building, but we have made the best of it. Our tree is nice and full (thanks to Target) and our hearts are warm and happy (thanks to Jesus). Bethany is especially excited about decorating as we start the collection of Christmas decorations for our lives. It's always great to see how different everyone's decorations are. They are simply a collection of things that makes families who they are. My family had strings of little candy looking objects and wooden ornaments that made up gingerbread houses and the north pole. As a true southern Californian, we had a fake tree. Bethany grew up with a REAL tree (as a real Washingtonian), bubble lights, and ornaments from many people in her family. Now we get to start our tree. We get to start our own collection of family decorations. I even found myself saying, "well, this tree skirt has to last at least 20 years." That's fun. It's fun to begin this life of ours as a couple and to enjoy the holidays together.

On another note, apparently the super mom's are already hitting the stores though. Last night we spent some time at a craft store and it was intense to say the least. I (Shay) was 1 of 3 men in the store and the other 50 were women. And for some dumb reason they didn't carry the little hooks that hold the ornaments up. How are you supposed to hang the things if you don't have hooks?!! At any rate, we had to go to another store to find the 89 cent package of 150 hooks. yikes! Nevermind my frustration with stores, we really had a good time getting our decorations.

Here's some pics for your enjoyment.
Call it a Tree "How To"

Select a tree

Load a tree

Open a tree
(we had it netted for transportation)

Light a tree

Help a tree

Light a tree (part 2)

Decorate a tree

Top a tree
(and you're done!)

Monday, November 27, 2006

Thanksgiving Is For Memories

Things to do during Thanksgiving vacation:
1. Fly someplace fun.. (that has snow too!)
2. Eat lots and lots of food with lots and lots of people.
3. Go buy a Christmas tree while there are still some good ones left.
4. Decorate for Christmas (including the tree from number 3!)
5. Take daily naps.
6. Wait for snow, and when it comes, go play in it!

7. During all of this, enjoy being with the people you love.

Here's some pics from the weekend (obviously not exhaustive, but a few just for fun)

Saturday, November 11, 2006

It's all better in 3D

IMG_3951Everyone knows that everything is better in 3D!
Well, I don't know about better, but lots of fun. That's why Bethany and I used some free movie passes we had to go see "Nightmare Before Christmas" in 3D today.

We saw Tim Burton on Letterman the other day and he was saying that the glasses were a lot more stylish, and we have to agree. They were quite fashionable! But seriously, the movie was fun and exciting. They have done a lot with this 3D technology.. wow. So if you get some time, and you want to look very, and we mean, VERY stylish, get out and see the 3D greatness of Tim Burton's wonderful mind.

Though not being pictured, Bethany got her hair cut today too. We like it, also very fashionable. I guess the weekend is just going to be fashionable. hhm.. which reminds me.. Church is tomorrow, what should we wear?! We should probably get ironing..... bye!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Our New Asian Son : TiVo

That's right. We splurged.

The best part is we only have basic cable. We just like a couple shows and we can never seem to watch them, hence the answer being TiVo. Ok, seriously, it's great. We love it. So Fun. Click the above photo for a full size view. It's like Christmas in October!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Pumpkin Patch

This weekend was the first time in our married life (which is up to 10 months!) that we have gone to the Pumpkin Patch! It was enjoyable for sure. We picked a great pumpkin to start. This one to your left is just perfect. Round, plump, and very orangy. Pretty much picture perfect.

We went with one of our favorite families from church. They allowed us to join in on their family tradition which took us to the great Limbardi Ranch. Apparently people come from miles around to see this place. The ranch had all kind of things for the kids: train rides, pony rides, mini pumpkins, sunflower fields (complete with competition scarecrows), white pumpkins, squash, corn, spinny wheel games, and a petting zoo to boot! We personally like the "Scarebucks" which was a complete scarecrow setting with a Starbucks like coffehouse and a very enticing menu. It took 2nd place in the 18 and over competition. Great times.

Great harvest time backgrounds for your computer are available at Shaycam.com!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Take I-5 AKA "the 5" South

That's what we had to tell some friends of ours this week. You see, tomorrow morning we are actually getting ALL of our wedding gifts. We know it sounds weird, but it's the truth. Since our wedding was in the great state of Washington, we had to leave some stuff behind for a while. But thanks to some kind friends, tomorrow will be like opening our presents for the second time!

Bethany is tired right now. She is looking at me type and she is wondering if she should say something. She just laughed.

Anyways, we're out visiting our parents, Bethany's in-laws. So, we should go. BYE!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

It's been a long time comin'...

I'm so excited! This is my first attempt at blogging and I hope all goes well. We have some exciting news!!! No, the stork isn't stopping by...our wedding pictures are back! And for those of you who missed the wonderful event you can now relive the magic that was our wedding day vicariously through our pics. haha Click here for all the pics and click here for the slide show version. The sign in name is Bethany and the password is 7963. Hope you like 'em.

Well, that's about all for my first post with many more to come (not just on Shaycam...hint. hint. I'm talking to you Shay.) oh snap.


Bethany Thomason